Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Ancillary task 1

Ancillary task 1

In order to create a good quality pop music video, I decided to analyse a full marketing campaign from one world known artist and evaluate which can be considered his “ strength” points in both videos and other marketing  products.
The artist I decided to take inspiration and analyse is the world known DJ “ Eric Prydz”.
I decided to analyse his work as the track we have chosen for our music video is part of his remixes collections.
Whilst browsing through the internet I found some key elements that appear through his works and which I believe I will recreate them in my products.
These key elements include :

1.    A well styled and Powerful  personal logo. This incredibly helps the audience to identify the Artist and the style of his music. Furthermore is in used in almost every of his media products.

I believe that this helps him getting known more and more ( advertising)
2.    Colourful presentations. Eric Prydz’s  are always rich of bright colours and different patterns and gradients over the texts.

I believe that colour helps the audience identify the mood and type of music played and it also reminds the colourful locations where this music is played ( clubs).

We will try to keep this style as well.

3.    Personal Image.  In a big part of his Media products, Eric Prydz has a picture of his face.

The face is often the same  picture which I believe could be now considered as an icon. I personally believe that the logo and the face contribute majorly for the creation of the Eric Prydz complete image.

I am however reluctant to include his personal image in our media products. I believe this because we want to give it a personal touch, and therefore, we will most likely exclude the face.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Location Shots

These are the location shots of where our movie will be shot.
Most of them are located in our school campus area, as it accessibility for filming in other areas is very limited.
We however mangaged to find a wide different choice of locations and managed to achieve our expectations with our film. without being too restricted from the locations.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Font test (ancillary 2)

Beofre creating the digipak, i decided to analyse which would be the best font to represent our music style, our video and our marketing products.

I believe that the style should be simple, easy to read buy with some character.

This would give our digiapk a great look, and would attract the audience and the cosutmers.

At the end I decied to pick Arial Black, as it fits most of my requirements.

Sunday, 6 November 2011


There will be 5 main sections in our film.

the firsts cene will be of the protagonist walking down a hill. The music will just have started, and the protagonist is calm and just walking normally.

the protagonist is in a classroom, this is when the lyrics of the song start, therefore he "screams" at the teacher, HEY TEACHER LEAVE THEM KIDS ALONE!
after this, the teacher sends him out of the classroom.

the protagonist is in the headmasters office, getting told off. This scene will last only a few moments, while there are no lyrics in the song.

the protagonist will be located in front of the main school building. here he will reap his uniform off and start going against the rules of the school.

previuos students, that were in the classroom with the uniform follow the protagonist around school, while they break rules and teachers, try unsuccesfully to stop them.

The location and the storyline, are mostly certain, however cast such as teachers and headmaster still has to be reviewed.

Story Arc. Task 17

The story of our video will mostly follow the lyrics of the song.
The lyrics send a really strong message and they are clearly interpretable with images.

we will have a main protagonist in the video, this will be a person dressed in a gorilla suit, however, the gorilla will be wearing a school uniform and act like a student.

For the first part of the video the gorilla will act like a normal student, going to lessons, activities, and talking to friends, go to the refectory and often get told off by teachers.

In the second part, the Gorilla will rip off his uniform and start behaving the way he feels, therefore rebelling to the school ( society) and getting the other students to follow him.
This would lead to a finaol choir in a big loan, with the teachers powerless looking at them.

we decided to make our protagonist dress as a gorilla for 2 main reasons,
1. to add a touch of comedy to the video, which would attract more audience and people would watch it, not just for the music played in it.
2. The fact that our protagonist will be dressed like that will help to enforce themessage in the lyrics, especially in the second part of hte video.

Task 16, Key elements.

There are some key elements we must include, these are, Storyline, Locations, Cast and Music.

Stroyline: Each pop video produces, both profesionally and non professionally, have a storyline. The storyline is extremely important, as it makes the video interesting for the audience and often refelcts the lyrics of the song, whic, together they give the audience the full meaasge that the astist is trying to send.

Locations: the locations of the video are crucial as, depending on where the film is shot, it will refelect the storyline at the best, allowing the audience to understand what is going on. our video will be shot around our school, which is a perfect location. the song is in fact about kids rioting against autohirities, however the real message is that people should riot to society. The location we are filming the film in is perfect also for our audience, which will feel that the message is sent to them and that they should fo the same. In fact our audience will be mainstream ; nowadays most of the mainstream audience is still in school, wether high school or university, therefore the video will be atrgeted at a perfect target audience.

Cast: the cast is another major key element in the film, often the audience takes inspiration and has as idols most of the pop music artists. it is therefore important that the cast we will choose will reflect the audience, therefore it must be a young person, with young attitudes, moves and clothes.

Music: the pop video we are producing has an old track ( Another brick in the wall-Pink floyd), this track itslef wouldn't attract most of the mainstream audience, as they tend to follow the fashion and listen to what the media offers them , however we decided to use  remix of the original track from the popular dj Eric Prydz.
This is perfect as it will allow us to use a track with a strong message, together with a track that will attract our audience.

The expecations of the genre we have chosen are quiet simple, a track and a video that are easy to watch, and easy to remember. We hopefully will manag to achieve this, however we also wanted to send a message to our audience that would be a bit deeper, and therefore, maybe, attract evena wider audience.

In our video we decided to add also a tocuh of comedy as our protagonist will be dressed as a Gorilla.;

Task 15

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Risk assestments.

This is a risk assestement in order to evaluate which risks we are going trough while filming.
The form is a standard risk assestment form and we adapted it to our needs and risks.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011


We don't need no education

protagonist walking down the main drive, camera following him from the front.

We don't need no thought control

Sitting down in chapel, and standing up before leaving.

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

Teacher laughing at kid and at protagonist

Teacher leave them kids alone

Teacher sending protagonist to face the calssroom corner

 Hey! Teacher!

Mid shot of students shouting at teacher

Leave them kids alone!

Protagnist turning around rom corner and shouting with other students

All in all it's just another brick in the wall.

In design in a row, using hammers

(All in all you're just) another brick in the wall.

In design in a row, using hammers
We don't need no education

We don't need no thought control

Sitting in chapel

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

Classroom, class is swaying to the beat

 Teacher leave them kids alone

Close up of main protagonist

Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone!

Extreme close-up of teacher shouting

All in all it's just another brick in the wall.

Kids marching next to classrooms

(All in all you're just) another brick in the wall.

Kids stood in rows next to a wall
We don't need no education

Kids start rioting

We don't need no thought control

Kids run down street

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

Teacher looks out of a classroom

Teacher leave them kids alone Hey! Teacher!

Teacher shouts

Leave them kids alone! All in all it's just another brick in the wall.

Kids on the pitch playing

(All in all you're just) another brick in the wall.

Zoom out on kids playing
We don't need no education...
Shot taken on top of G-house zoom out/fade of kids


I researched  a couple fo instituions that could produce,  exhibit and distribute my video.

To produce the video I believe that the best label would be UNIVERSAL.
Universal is in fact the leading producer of music videos, they have and inedible wide range of artists working with them, for example J.Lo and Lady Gaga, but also artists such as Lil Wayne or  Kid cudi.

I believe that we should choose Universal because they produce for the most famous artisst, of every different genre, which however they are all suitable to fit in the Main Stream category, which is the most profitable.

Another advantage by producing with universal, would be that our exhibition of the video would be well programmed and profitable, as UMG also owns the Youtube channel known as VEVO.
This would make our song become very popular in a short period of time.

However trough UMG it would be harder to distribute our video.
A great way to distribute our song/video would be using Itunes. Itunes is the new virtual CD shop and is where most of the people legally download music and videos.
I believe that Itunes would be the best way of distributing our video.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011





1 the shot is a pretty common shot that could occur in our video. The character is  framed from  a low angle, the character assumes a position of power in the screen.

2 the frame show a high angle showing only some legs. I really liked this shot as it’s a different way to film someone walking. It is perfect for our video as we think there might be some walking scenes included.

3 The shot is a high angle. However it is taken from a long distance. It could also be considered a high shot. I noticed that  this shot often occurs in pop  videos

4. It’s a close up. In the video the protagonist are walking and the camera is following them backwards. I really like this shot and I believe is going to appear in my video.

5. An extreme close up. It is not really popular in the videos, however it is a particular shot and I believed that it was worthy putting it in the grid.

6. other protagonists of the video. Beautiful women often appear in pop music videos, however I believe  it won’t appear on mine as the themes treated in the video will be much different from the stereotypical ones.

7. A long shot of the protagonists walking. This  can be used if the lyrics are particularly quick and the lip syncing is hard to do .

8. Another low angle. They often appear in music videos.

9. A middle shot. It is perhaps  the most common shot in videos and it is fundamental in order to represent a character doing some particular action.


Tuesday, 4 October 2011


I believe this is the audience we are aiming at with our video.

The Mainstream is the biggest part of the market.
The Mainstream dictates the celebrity system by their willingness, or not, to buy into them. The most effective way to market to Mainstream tribe members is through TV and radio. The internet is used for entertainment but increasingly for interaction as well. All subsets are also keen Youtube viewers.
Mainstream people often dress from popular brands such as JD sports, Adidas , Bench or Levi's. Mainstream people is the group that collects the widest number of people, and in my opinion it can be considered the "general fashion".
I believe Mainstream would be perfect as our target audience. It is mostly made by teen agers which are discovering  new experiences such as alchol or drugs or anything that goes against society. Our song sends a clear message, which would be definitely  appreciated by teen agers. Furthermore I believe that Mainstream is really easy to target as they do not have strong music/video preferences as Metal fans would.
If our video will manage to conquer  the mainstream people it would be a great success because they are in the most number. and this could bring higher sales to cd.

Audience Research

I made a Research of why people are attracted by certain types of music and why often each style is realted to a "stereotyped" video.
I found out that people like certain kind of music because of the social grouos they belong to area they live in ( which is important both socially and Geographically) and also from the feelings the music might give them, weather calms them down, "activates" them or inspires them.
I decided to analyse Hip Hop
 hip hop as a DJing form started with no vocals and was purely of an electronic nature. However, the roots of spoken hip hop music are found in African-American music and ultimately African music, particularly that of the griots of West African culture.
Hip hop as music and culture formed during the 1970s when block parties became increasingly popular in New York City, particularly among African American and Latino youth residing in the Bronx.
The singers often treated personal themes in the songs, often childhood stories, love stories or criminal stories.
Now Hip-Hop music is known all over the world and the is one of the most listened and profitable genres.
People that listen to Hip Hop are often indetifiable by they way they dress and act. Hip Hop is now in fact not only a music genre but a proper stream of fashion, behaviours and values that individuals share. The pilars of Hip Hop nowadays can be considered - Good cars- Money- Women- Drugs and parties. This elements often appear in the videos, and are the main characteristic that attract the audience, However often the themes treated in Rap Songs are deep and sentimental, often also sad stories of the authors that come from difficult backgrounds. This genre easily collected fans all over the world, especially in America, I believe that hip hop became so common beacuse many young people can easily identify themselves in the singers lyrics and values.

Goodwin's theory

Andrew Goodwin talked about the relationship between Visuals and the Lyrics being connected. This is very applicable to my Music Video as I am basing the story within it on the lyrics heard. This amplifies what you hear and I think that the audience enjoys it more of the two are related. 
I am also obviously going to have a connection between the Visuals and the Music, as I will be editing to the beat of the Music. So in my case I will be illustrating the Music with the Visuals and amplifying it with my editing. 


This i my mood board. I believe it gives the mood of the video we are about to shoot. The message I'm trying to send is how society tries to force people to behave in a correct way, however often society fails and people rebel.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Analysis of 2 pop videos similar to the one we want to achieve.

Me and Stuart did a detailed research on videos we want to  take inspiration from, however it was really hard to find some.
We decided to make the protagonist of our pop video act in a gorilla suit,  this leaded to even more complications.

However we managed to find some inspirational videos,

Bloodhound gang -  The bad Touch

Then video has as protagonists  the group dressed as Gorillas,
The video has a really catchy beat which I believe perfectly fit with images.
The clip  has a really simple storyline, which is almost un noticeable if the audience doesn’t focus on it.
In fact he gorillas just  tempt a sex assault on a girl, which is not shown and they are luring chefs with bred. However the lyrics of the song match the scenes in the clip, for example, when the song says “like in the discovery channel” an image of a tv  with animals is shown.
The clip is rich of  mid-shots which mainly focus on the group leader, however  the audience is also able to see the rest of the group in the background dancing and making  “strange” movements.
The camera often follows them walking on a sidewalk. Some times the group is framed from a low angle so that they give the audience the effect of being powerful animals. The low angle is used when they sing on the bench.
Sometimes there are some close ups and extreme close ups , so that the characters appear more emphasized and funny to the audience, I believe in deed that the aim of the video is to be funny and relaxed for the audience, which just feels in a good mood when they hear the lyrics and watch the clip.
The editing is really quick an  often changes location without any link. The transitions are always quick cuts.
The video is located in Paris, this is noticeable thanks to a few icons that the director shows, such as the mime, the 2 french men and the Eiffel tower.

The video has a different storyline and message from the one we would like to achieve, however most of the shots and behaviosr of the characters are similar to the one s we would like to achieve.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Task 5

the picture shows the webpage where I found the email to contact Eric Prydz,
which is the artist of the k for our Pop video.
I had to E-mail him in order to seek permission to use his track in my video.
Here there is a picture of the email i sent him.

task 4 (changes)

We decided to use a modern version of the song,  the song is proper education, which is a remix of another brick in the wall, and we believe it can give us more inspiration for the video and is more  adapt for a modern pop video.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Task 4

Me and stuart are producing a pop music video.
For the video we chose a really famous track, as we tought the track would give us a great inspiration for for the video. The track is "Another brick in the wall"  by the "Pink floyd".
The genre is Rock,particuraly 1970s British rock, however i believe the song has "its own genre" as its really particular in the way its structured and sang.
In rock videos often the group or the singer wants to send a message, often a strong message against society, governements or wars.
The original video of another brick in the wall is about students which are governed by the school, the students walk in perfect lines and don't talk, they act as if they were mind controlled. In my opinion the group was trying to send a message of how people are  "controlled" by the society a they  all behave the same way, without making any  decisons or breaking the rules, however at the end of the video students rebel, which I think is an invitation from the group to rebel to society.
The video and the song are perfectly adaptable to the environment where we have to shoot our film, we are in fact planning of doing a pastiche of the video, therefore a boarding school is perfect to realize that.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011


This Is my new blog for the coursework of Media Studies (A2).
I am working together with Stuart Wallace. 
We will be producing a pop video.
Our production company name is Lady Luck.