Sunday, 6 November 2011

Task 16, Key elements.

There are some key elements we must include, these are, Storyline, Locations, Cast and Music.

Stroyline: Each pop video produces, both profesionally and non professionally, have a storyline. The storyline is extremely important, as it makes the video interesting for the audience and often refelcts the lyrics of the song, whic, together they give the audience the full meaasge that the astist is trying to send.

Locations: the locations of the video are crucial as, depending on where the film is shot, it will refelect the storyline at the best, allowing the audience to understand what is going on. our video will be shot around our school, which is a perfect location. the song is in fact about kids rioting against autohirities, however the real message is that people should riot to society. The location we are filming the film in is perfect also for our audience, which will feel that the message is sent to them and that they should fo the same. In fact our audience will be mainstream ; nowadays most of the mainstream audience is still in school, wether high school or university, therefore the video will be atrgeted at a perfect target audience.

Cast: the cast is another major key element in the film, often the audience takes inspiration and has as idols most of the pop music artists. it is therefore important that the cast we will choose will reflect the audience, therefore it must be a young person, with young attitudes, moves and clothes.

Music: the pop video we are producing has an old track ( Another brick in the wall-Pink floyd), this track itslef wouldn't attract most of the mainstream audience, as they tend to follow the fashion and listen to what the media offers them , however we decided to use  remix of the original track from the popular dj Eric Prydz.
This is perfect as it will allow us to use a track with a strong message, together with a track that will attract our audience.

The expecations of the genre we have chosen are quiet simple, a track and a video that are easy to watch, and easy to remember. We hopefully will manag to achieve this, however we also wanted to send a message to our audience that would be a bit deeper, and therefore, maybe, attract evena wider audience.

In our video we decided to add also a tocuh of comedy as our protagonist will be dressed as a Gorilla.;

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