Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Analysis of 2 pop videos similar to the one we want to achieve.

Me and Stuart did a detailed research on videos we want to  take inspiration from, however it was really hard to find some.
We decided to make the protagonist of our pop video act in a gorilla suit,  this leaded to even more complications.

However we managed to find some inspirational videos,

Bloodhound gang -  The bad Touch

Then video has as protagonists  the group dressed as Gorillas,
The video has a really catchy beat which I believe perfectly fit with images.
The clip  has a really simple storyline, which is almost un noticeable if the audience doesn’t focus on it.
In fact he gorillas just  tempt a sex assault on a girl, which is not shown and they are luring chefs with bred. However the lyrics of the song match the scenes in the clip, for example, when the song says “like in the discovery channel” an image of a tv  with animals is shown.
The clip is rich of  mid-shots which mainly focus on the group leader, however  the audience is also able to see the rest of the group in the background dancing and making  “strange” movements.
The camera often follows them walking on a sidewalk. Some times the group is framed from a low angle so that they give the audience the effect of being powerful animals. The low angle is used when they sing on the bench.
Sometimes there are some close ups and extreme close ups , so that the characters appear more emphasized and funny to the audience, I believe in deed that the aim of the video is to be funny and relaxed for the audience, which just feels in a good mood when they hear the lyrics and watch the clip.
The editing is really quick an  often changes location without any link. The transitions are always quick cuts.
The video is located in Paris, this is noticeable thanks to a few icons that the director shows, such as the mime, the 2 french men and the Eiffel tower.

The video has a different storyline and message from the one we would like to achieve, however most of the shots and behaviosr of the characters are similar to the one s we would like to achieve.

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